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5 Week Beginners Course
Child's Pose
People often tell me that yoga isn't for them because they aren't "flexible" enough, or that they are "too old". Yoga isn't about flexibility or age or body type. Yoga is for everyone, all genders, all body types, all levels of fitness and flexibility. The joy of yoga is that it is your practice, your journey, so wherever you are in it is the perfect place for you. 

Our 5 week beginner course has been carefully curated to offer you a broad and fun introduction to yoga. Learn basic positions and styles in a safe and friendly space. 

What can you expect?


WEEKS 1 & 2: Hatha Yoga 

Hatha yoga is a traditional, gentle paced introduction to yoga. You will be guided through foundation poses such as downward facing dog, warrior poses and child pose, focusing on alignment, strength and breath.  


WEEKS 3: Sun Salutations

In week 3 we take the building blocks that we have learnt and bring them together with Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskar, a traditional yoga sequence connecting movement with breath. 


WEEK 4: Yin

The final 2 weeks slow right down as you are introduced to Yin & Restorative Yoga. Yin works on the bodies fascia lines, ligaments and joints, and poses are held for longer periods of time. The pace is slow and the challenge is in staying still as you give the body the time it needs to stretch and release stress and tension. 


WEEK 5: Restorative

Restorative Yoga slows us right down and deeply relaxes the muscles through long passive stretches. The muscles are supported by a variety of props so they can truly and completely soften and relax leading us to a state of complete tranquility.



All classes start and finish with breathing exercises and savasana

Date: Monday 26th February  - 25th March 
Time: 7:30pm
Price: $110

Book: FULL
Date: Monday 29th April  - 27th May
Time: 7:30pm
Price: $110

Book: HERE
Date: Monday 1st July - 29th July
Time: 7:30pm
Price: $110

Book: HERE
Date: Monday 23rd September - 21st October
Time: 7:30pm
Price: $110

Book: HERE
Date: Monday 4th November - 2nd December
Time: 7:30pm
Price: $110

Book: HERE
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